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Edit a single page

Every page on has an Edit this page link in the sidebar on desktop mode. Click that link to edit the source code for that page in GitHub. This is the way to make a contribution that updates a small section of one single page, such as a typo fix, right in your browser.

If you have never made a pull request (PR) before, this is a great way to make a small change to Astro docs!

Page content source location

The English content of our website is written in .mdx files located within src/content/docs/en/. Clicking “Edit this page” will take you directly to the file you need, but you can also navigate to any page file from the Astro docs repo and click the pencil icon to edit the file.

Please check the very top of the file as there may be additional instructions specific to that page! For example, the source content for that page may be generated in a different file and you should not make a change directly to this file.

By default, when you edit an English page, our Translation Tracker updates every other language with a “needs updating” status. Normally, this is what we want! If an explanation has changed, or a code sample has been updated, then the other languages should make the appropriate change, too.

However, if your change is an English-only correction (e.g. a typo fix to an English word) that does not otherwise alter the documentation, then please be sure to title your pull request appropriately when you create a pull request.

Documentation for every other language is located in a separate folder within src/content/docs/. The page content of these documents is never generated from outside sources, and is always changed in these files. To fix a small error in these pages, use the same procedure as editing an English page. However, always keep the content an exact representation of the English docs. Do not revise wording or sections here, and only match the English content.

If editing a translated page makes you notice a problem with the current English documentation, or you would like to suggest an improvement, please file an issue and let us know! Our translators often spot things that could be better in our docs, and we appreciate the help!

See our i18n guide for translators for more information about translating the docs!

Pages generated from outside sources

Some of our English-language pages are generated from outside sources and maintained in another repo. Currently, these files are and all of our error messages.

The page’s Edit this page link should redirect you to the file that should be changed, even if it is not in the Astro docs repo itself. Alternatively, you can get the correct URL from the file’s githubURL frontmatter property.

Edit this Page via GitHub

  1. Click the “Edit this page” link to be taken to the file with the source code for that page in GitHub.

  2. Click on the pencil icon when viewing this file to edit it.

  3. Use GitHub’s browser editor to make your proposed changes to the page.

  4. After you make your changes, click Commit changes. This will automatically create a fork of the docs in your GitHub account with the changes.

  5. Once you have committed your edits to your fork, follow the prompts to create a pull request.

You can also read an annotated blog post with screenshots demonstrating the process of editing the docs this way.

Creating a pull request

  1. Choose a title that is short, but descriptive of your change. If your change does not require translating or a similar update to the other language pages (e.g. fixing an English typo), please include [i18nIgnore] in your subject. If you are translating a non-English page, please indicate the language in the subject. For example, to propose an edit to a French page, include i18n(fr) in the PR title.

  2. Choose and fill out the appropriate template. Be sure to include any useful information or extra content, such as a linked Issue.

  3. Submit your changes for review.

Every pull request needs to be reviewed by our contributors and approved by a maintainer.

The docs site will be automatically updated whenever pull requests are merged.