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Contributing a Recipe

Our “Recipes” section in the sidebar highlights step-by-step how-to guides for accomplishing a specific task in Astro.

Astro docs welcomes recipe contributions that:

Edit Existing Recipes

These have been written by Team Docs and we actively maintain this content. We welcome corrections, updates or more resource links to any of these pages! This content is intended to be kept accurate and up to date. You are welcome to PR a quick fix or resource, or to make an Issue on GitHub to let us know of larger content changes that may be necessary.

You can use the “Edit This Page” link in the right sidebar to make a change on GitHub directly and submit a pull request, or see the Contributing Guide for other ways to edit the Docs site.

Community Recipes

Community Recipes are for external links that fit the definition of a recipe: typically short, focused how-to guides. This lets us include community resources without requiring long-term maintenance. They are listed on our More Recipes page in docs.

You can share a published recipe in our “Community Recipes” section. This can be a post on a personal or company blog, or on your preferred blogging platform like The site must not be behind a paywall or login, as we are committed to sharing resources that are available to everyone. This follows the IndieWeb principle of “Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere” (often abbreviated to POSSE) and allows us to share and promote your content to the wider Astro community while allowing you to retain full ownership of your content.

After you publish your article, open a PR adding a link to this page.

The link should be of the form [Post or article title](full URL) and it should be added to the bottom of the list of existing community recipes. Use the existing entries above it as a guide, and if any changes are necessary, we can make them while reviewing the PR.

Please note that all community recipe PRs will be reviewed to make sure they fit our definition of a recipe (a step-by-step how-to guide for accomplishing a specific task in Astro). They may also be tested by a Team Docs member who will attempt to follow your recipe and make sure it works. So, while this may seem like a tiny PR, please know that there is work going on behind the scenes and it may take some time to properly evaluate your recipe!

Is my guide a recipe?

Our recipe format is inspired by Diataxis’s how-to guides. Recipes:

  • Provide step-by-step instructions
  • Meet a user at a specific starting point by providing a Prerequisites section
  • Explain how to accomplish a specific task
  • Use real-world examples

See our HTML Forms recipe as an example. It teaches a specific, practical goal (how to build and handle a form). It provides an example that can be modified and incorporated into your project. It uses step-by-step instructions and keeps explanations to a minimum.

Examples that we do not consider to be recipes:

  • A blog post in narrative form that reports on what you did instead of structuring concise instructions for the reader to follow. (e.g. “How I finally got content collections set up with my custom remark plugin in my Astro project”)
  • A walk-through that teaches more than one task. (e.g. “How to set up Vue, TypeScript, and Partytown in Astro”)
  • A conceptual explanation of a topic, instead of a how-to guide that leads the reader through completing a specific task. (e.g. “How partial hydration works in Astro”)

CMS, Deploy and Migrate to Astro Guides

The src/content/guides/ directory in the docs has four subdirectories for established guide categories that also follow a recipe structure:

  • cms/
  • backend/
  • deploy/
  • migrate-to-astro/

The best way to start writing a new guide for these sections is to choose an existing one as an example.

If a page does not exist, you will first need to create a stub by adding:

  • A new guide page.
  • A logo in public/logos/.
  • An update to src/data/logo.ts to add the logo.

Writing a new guide

  1. Find a comparable guide in one of the subdirectories. Copy the contents of an existing file, and be sure the title and description in the frontmatter are accurate and follow the established pattern.

  2. Edit the body of the file. This should match the structure of other guides of that type. For example, a deployment guide should have a step-by-step “How to Deploy” section. A migration guide should have “Key Similarities,” “Key Differences,” and “Switch from X to Astro” sections.

  3. Add a logo to public/logos/ if one does not already exist. Ideally, this should be an SVG. Use SVGOMG to optimize its file size.

  4. Update src/data/logo.ts to add the logo if necessary.

Adding content to an existing stub

If you don’t have a full guide yet, you can expand a stub, even if it’s an incremental improvement. For example, you can expand a CMS guide by adding an “Integrating with Astro” section to explain how to connect the CMS to Astro. You can also provide a step-by-step section to use that integration to build something. (See Making a blog with Astro and Contentful.)

The CMS, Deploy, and Migrate guides all have sections for external links. You can add a new link by editing the page and making a PR.

Add a new official recipe

The Official Recipes section is for officially maintained recipes, found in the src/content/guides/recipes/ folder, that do not fit into one of our pre-existing categories. Like the rest of our docs, these must meet the standards of our Writing Guide.

To add an official recipe:

  1. Add a new .mdx file in the src/content/guides/recipes/ folder with the following frontmatter:

    title: # start with a verb! Build, Learn, Add....
    description: # also start with a verb! elaborate on the title
    type: recipe
    i18nReady: false
  2. Add an introduction: what will the recipe accomplish? (A single sentence or paragraph is fine. Be clear about what the reader will now have or be able to do.)

  3. Add a ## Prerequisites section that includes any required configurations or steps to take before starting the recipe. If your recipe works with any project setup, you can skip this section.

  4. Add a ## Recipe section that includes a numbered list of steps. Follow our guidance for writing instructions that are clear and helpful.

  5. If you have external references or links, add a ## Resources section at the end.