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API references

Consistent formatting makes it easier for people to find the information they’re looking for!

When adding or editing a reference entry, please start your entry with the following standard formatting:

##### `page.url.first`
**Type:** `string | undefined`<br />
<Since v="4.12.0" />

Things to check

  • The entry has a heading so that it can be directly linked to.
  • The heading text is the name of the property/item, formatted as inline code. (e.g. getStaticPaths(), width)
  • There is a wrapping <p></p> that includes an initial blank line, and then the type, default (if applicable), and version number added each on individual lines.
  • The text entry starts with a definition of what the property is or does.

Full API reference example

### `navigate()`
**Type:** `(href: string, options?: Options) => void`<br />
<Since v="3.2.0" />
A function that executes a navigation to the given `href` using the View Transitions API.
This function signature is based on the [`navigate` function from the browser Navigation API]( Although based on the Navigation API, this function is implemented on top of the [History API]( to allow for navigation without reloading the page.
#### `history`
**Type:** `'auto' | 'push' | 'replace'`<br />
**Default:** `'auto'`<br />
<Since v="3.2.0" />
Defines how this navigation should be added to the browser history.
- `'push'`: the router will use `history.pushState` to create a new entry in the browser history.
- `'replace'`: the router will use `history.replaceState` to update the URL without adding a new entry into navigation.
- `'auto'` (default): the router will attempt `history.pushState`, but if the URL cannot be transitioned to, the current URL will remain with no changes to the browser history.
This option follows the [`history` option]( from the browser Navigation API but simplified for the cases that can happen on an Astro project.