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Upgrade guides

Astro prepares an upgrade guide and new version of docs for every major release of Astro.


The purpose of this guide is to inform readers of changes they may need to make to their project as a result of upgrading. This is meant to be a comprehensive list of breaking changes that may interfere with a smooth upgrade experience.

It should not contain any more than is absolutely required for someone to have a functioning project after upgrading. For example, this guide does not document new features introduced in the major release; making new options available will not stand in the way of someone upgrading an existing project without those options.


These guides follow a standard structure:

  • Upgrade instructions (using @astrojs/upgrade and manual instructions)
  • A note that after upgrading, things might “just work”! But if they don’t, check below
  • A link to the CHANGELOG for full rease notes
  • Experimental flags removed
  • Astro dependencies upgraded (e.g. Node.js, Vite etc.) in case these affect a project
  • Breaking changes
  • Deprecated features
  • Previously deprecated features now completely removed
  • Community resources
  • Known issues

See the Astro v4 upgrade guide for an example.

Submitting docs

If you are contributing a breaking change to Astro, including deprecating/removing a feature, then please consult the appropriate instructions for adding documentation to the upgrade guide.